After a difficult campaign, I am very happy to see that America had their hearts and minds in the right place and voted for Barack Obama again, after a difficult 4 year, first term. He’s the right man for job, no matter what kind of spin the Republicans, Tea Party and bonehead Donald Trump try to say about him. America has spoken and let’s hope that the Republican party is over the whole “Barack Obama” thing and will work together to try and bring America back to the good times. Why did Barack Obama win again? I think he won because unlike most of his opponents, he is inclusive, rather than exclusive. Although he has been pegged as an elitist, showboat and even a Muslim, he made decisions that include ALL Americans and try to improve their lives. Congratulations to Barack Obama, his family and all of the people that worked on his re-election campaign. He deserves to be there, so all Americans need to work together to make their country better for everyone.